Hailey , USA

About Us

CBNF society is one of the most reputable non-profit welfare organizations working for the social development and providing relief to low income group since 1983. It is run by a team of highly motivated intellectuals and social workers comprising of doctors, engineers, lawyers, business executives and representatives of various fields of life.CBNF branches are working all over the country as well as in UK. We are providing health, education, public awareness, livelihood support, orphan support, kids support, old age care and emergency relief services. All these services to mankind are not possible without your support. CBNF is serving thousands of poor and needy people on daily basis through its medical centers, clinics, schools, orphanage, senior citizens houses, vocational training centers and skill development centers.

Apart from CBNF routine services to mankind through its different centers and different support programs, CBNF is always among the main contributors whenever people are in need in case of any disaster like earthquake 2005, flood 2010, 2011 and 2012. With the support of its workers, volunteers and donors, CBNF has always been there to rescue people from disaster, provided them tents, food, crockery, temporary schools, medical camps, medicines and anything else that could be needed. CBNF has also provided shelter homes to the victims of different disasters.

"This is the monent i knew that the Government is not just leaving us to suffer, I got $300,000 and it was enough for my sisters to go back to school and also get me running on my business. Thank you so much Federal Government".

Mission Statement

Our mission is to work in the fields of health, education and social welfare services, especially for the neglected and low-income group of our society, raise their standards of living and help them to become a productive and honorable part of the society.


We seek a world where no one is denied of good health, quality education and other facilities of life due to poverty or disaster in the light of the teachings

The Government and CBNF has aid people all over the world having delivered more than $8.5 BILLION for valuable programs and courses. Our financial success reflects sound business planning and a commitment to integrity.Compensation won $707.7 million and $64.27 million is been delivered and claimed by diffrent individuals.

It's a Federal Global Economic Grant.We embarked on a worldwide promotion for Deaf, Hearing and Retired Workers. We are Building Career for people that are in need,it will never affect any money you get from work or your government . It free and you dont have to pay it back in any way.This promotion was made to provide benefit for everyone in need of money for bills, buying a home, starting business, going to school, or even help in raising your children. The Government and International Grant Funds Agency in collaboration with World Deaf, Hearing and Retired Workers Federation Australia, Canadia, New Zealand, Mexico ,USA and United Kingdom falls every part of the world.In view of this, your fund would be released to you by our affiliate bank throughout USA and nationwide Our agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds.
The Board, compensation distribution committees and the Minister’s Discretionary Fund are serviced by the Department of Internal Affairs.

Note: This is a 24 hours Service.

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